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Ceffort AB

Collaborative EFFORTs – in implementation of solutions in Nordic Life Sciences
CEFFORT AB represents your company when you look for external solution providers within Life Sciences in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. Together, we can work in a way that saves you costs, time and energy, while you remain focused on what you do best. If you prefer, your company may act anonymously through CEFFORT AB until it is time to meet with the most suitable solution providers.

CEFFORT is short for Collaborative EFFORT. Feel free to discuss with us the possibility for CEFFORT AB to officially represent you in assembling, coordinating or managing teams that can provide tailored solutions supporting your R&D, manufacturing and business processes.

Ceffort AB
Ceffort AB


Scheelevägen 17, 223 70 Lund


Beta 3

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We are one of Sweden’s most renowned Science Parks and we have 40 years of history catalyzing innovation and supporting growing tech and deep tech companies. Our vision is to work with others to create the world’s best innovation ecosystem, with the aim of helping to change the world for the better. Collaboration is our most important core value and tool.

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