State-of-the-art AI @ Ideon CEO Network Lunch
December 5, 2024 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
State-of-the-art AI @ Ideon CEO Network Lunch
Ideon CEO Network Lunch
The future AI outlook by RISE
Johan Sanneblad @ RISE will walk us through the latest AI trends and how you can use them in your company to increase productivity greatly.
Johan will also give a future AI outlook on what will happen in the next 12 months.
Productivity gains using AI for innovation by Lightbringer
Most AI products today focus on saving time or cost.
Ola Wassvik @Lightbringer will show, with a practical example, how AI can be used to assist in innovation using Lightbringer Insights, thereby bringing large gains in productivity.
You will see, together with Ola, in real-time, how AI can help engineers and inventors quickly achieve results that would not have been possible with traditional methods.