A dynamic future – EV charging infrastructure today and tomorrow

A dynamic future – EV charging infrastructure today and tomorrow

Welcome to Lund, Sweden, on October 25-26 2023! We bring together business, decision-makers, researchers and experts for an international conference to discuss the transition to sustainable transportation, with focus on electrification and charging infrastructure.Starting with the latest research, the aim of the conference is to bring clarity to how we can actively support a rapid adoption of the electrification of road transportation, and reach the emission targets. At the conference, the following questions will be addressed (among others):- What is needed to further speed up the transition to fossil free transportation?- What are the obstacles and what are the solutions when it comes to electrifying road transportation?- What are the business opportunities and challenges?- What priorities and decision-making on a national and European level is required?We will also showcase the importance of system innovation and collaboration across traditional boundaries to create new opportunities and further speed up the transition to sustainable transportation.Join us at Grand Hotel in Lund October 25-26, 2023!Welcome!


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