An intelligent light that can improve the quality of your sleep – follow BrainLit behind the scenes

April 21, 2017

With 400 companies at Ideon, it is difficult to keep track of what everyone is doing. We want to make it easier for all of us to get to know one another by inviting you behind the scenes. Every other week, one company will take over our Instagram account and share their working life with you. BrainLit are hosting our account this week.

Hello Cathrin Frisemo, what can you tell me about BrainLit?

Cathrin Frisemo BrainLit

Cathrin Frisemo, BrainLit

– BrainLit is Sweden’s most innovative lighting technology company. The intelligent light control system was developed and patented by the tech serial entrepreneur Tord Wingren in 2012.

– We are gaining both national and international recognition, e.g. we were one of the finalists at the Swedish Mobile Awards, and internationally also for BrainLit’s light installation at Lindeborgsskolan in Malmö. A scientific study published last year showed that students at the school had significantly improved their quality of sleep. We also recently received 2 MSEK in funding from Vinnova for development a light meter for measuring light in a new way.

What products or services do you offer?

– Today a large number om people spend 90% of their time indoors, and that has a major impact on our health, in particular on the circadian rhythm, which regulates our body clock. BrainLit provides customers with daylight indoors by the intelligent light control system to improve health and productivity. The indoor lighting is customized to mimic natural daylight by LED-luminaries controlled by sensors connected to the patented software. The lighting system is adjusted and managed by the customers through using panels or/and by an app in the phone or tablet.

– The system is a dynamic self-learning system, with built-in feedback, and based on the latest research in lighting and illumination. The continuous upgrade of the system is secured by BrainLit’s scientific board with professors in high tech and medicine, providing our customers with the best indoor light environment for humans and livestock.

Our five keywords are:

  • Health presence
  • Well-being
  • Productivity
  • Energy efficiency
  • Maintenance efficiency

Who are the people working at BrainLit, what are your backgrounds?

– Together we cover a broad and in-depth competence in technology and medicine, and with experience from working in international environments. We work closely together with our scientific board to assure providing our customers with a cutting-edge light environment solution.

What will you be showing us this week on Instagram?

You will follow the BrainLit team “behind the scenes.” You may also meet us live this Wednesday, April 26, when we are hosting the scientific breakfast at Ideon Agora, 08:30-10:30. The talks are about human needs for daylight to stay healthy and the new way of measuring light.

Are there any areas where you would like a closer cooperation or exchange of ideas with other Ideon Companies?

– We are always open to exchanging ideas since we are continuously developing our light environment system.

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