Here are the opening hours for the restaurants and cafés in the park this summer:
The café will be closed from june 30 and will open again on August 6th
Bricks Eatery
Bricks Eatery
The restaurant will be open as usual throughout the summer
Restaurant Edison
The restaurant is closed week 30 and 31, then back to regular opening hours
Restaurant Hilda
Hilda is closed between weeks 28-31, then back to regular opening hours
Restaurant Höjdpunkten
Open all summer
Restaurant Inspira
Closed from July 9 until August 5
Restaurant Kryddhyllan
Kryddhyllan closes on July 16 and opens again on August 13
Business Lounge
Closed from July 16 to August 6
Restaurant North East
North East closes lunch servings on June 25 and opens again on August 8 but will be open all evenings during the summer.
Restaurant Paolo’s
Paolo’s closes on July 6 and opens again on August 6.
Restaurant Scotland Yard
The Café is open with lunch service all days throughout the summer, opening hours are 7:30-15:30 from June 25 to August 5